Friday, October 10, 2008


We moved back in Yesterday. It's good to be home and down to a single rent check. We're very close to having the interior done for all but the new bedroom. Here are the latest pics.

New AC installed and chillin (plug... done by Steve and Don of Total Comfort. Call them w/ all your HVAC needs!)

Speaking of chillin, here's my neighbor Amy enjoying her new lawn. Hi Amy!

The blue floored laundry room and on-demand hot water heater are in... you can set the water temp on the fly if you want really hot for laundry and then a bit cooler for other stuff.

The stained glass is installed and lighting up the hall

And the wood wall that wraps the laundry room is going up. Using a spacer to open the seams and then assembling them so the grooves go around the corner proved to be more complicated than it sounded in my head. You can see the pocket door inside the wall (I recycled the old back door by filling in the knob holes and a cat door in the bottom all with wood and bondo and sanding, lots of sanding...)

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